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Goodbye Email

HR people leave jobs, too. When you leave a job, do you write your colleagues a farewell letter? Have you seen other employees do so? Read on to learn why this practice is helpful on personal and professional levels.

What Is a Goodbye Email?

A goodbye email, also called a farewell letter, is a letter or email that you send to your coworkers as you leave a job. It is a thoughtful way to say goodbye to people you have worked with and is helpful for future networking. You're probably reading this article because you're currently in the process of leaving one job to go to another or you're seriously considering it. Leaving can be a very difficult process, especially if the experiences you had and the relationships you developed were positive and healthy. This article will help you express your thanks in the most effective way possible. Also, consider becoming a member of HR Mavericks, a community focused on democratizing HR and making best practices freely available to all HR professionals. HR Mavericks also gives you the opportunity to network with other HR professionals for future opportunities.

Why Is a Goodbye Email Important?

A goodbye email is a nice transition as you leave a job. It is a great way to leave a company on a positive note, even if you did not have a great experience while working there. Below are just a few reasons why you should write a goodbye email.
  • Say goodbye to coworkers. When you have worked with people for a long (or even a short) time, bonds are formed. A goodbye email gives you the opportunity to say goodbye in a professional way and thank them for all they have done for you.
  • Future networking. It is very important to have a strong professional network. Writing a farewell note to your coworkers helps you to leave on good terms and build your network.
  • Share your story. Avoid joining the rumor mill by telling everyone why you are leaving. Remember to keep it professional and not badmouth the company, or tell everyone how much more money you will be making at your new job.

Who Should You Write, and When?

Send your email to people you worked with and you want to keep in touch with. This could be people across the organization, not just people in your department. You may send one email to multiple people, or you may prefer to personalize emails to specific individuals. Depending on your position in the organization, you may also want to send a letter to some external contacts, such as vendors or clients with whom you worked closely (assuming that doing so will not violate any company policy). They can also be good contacts to maintain in your network, and you want to leave on good terms with them as well. Send the emails one or two days before your last day so that people can respond and say goodbye, but after your departure has been formally announced by management.

What Should Be Included In a Goodbye Email?

A goodbye email should be short and not boastful. Tell them how you’ve appreciated the time you’ve worked together and that you look forward to keeping in touch with them in the future. Here are a few things to include.

Say Goodbye

It might sound silly, but don’t forget to say goodbye. In a virtual work environment or a large company, you might not see some of your coworkers in person, so this might be your only time to say goodbye.

Say Thank You

A simple thank you goes a long way. You might not remember every nice thing everyone did for you during the time you worked together, but they will remember that you thanked them for being good coworkers.

Tell Them Your Contact Information

Provide your personal email address, phone number, and a link to your LinkedIn profile. Let people know you want to stay in touch. This will help you grow your professional network.

State Your Last Day

Make sure you tell everyone when your last day is and who will be taking over your position, if you are aware.

Sample Goodbye Emails

To Internal Colleagues
Email subject line: This is not goodbye
Hello everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I have accepted a new position with another company. My last day with XYZ Company will be tomorrow, DATE. While I am excited for my new position, I will also miss working with all of you. I have really enjoyed the time that we have spent together, and appreciate all of the support you have given me during my time here. If you have any questions about any of my projects or anything we were working on together, please reach out to Mary Smith. This is not goodbye! Please keep in touch. My personal email is and my cell number is (555) 555-1234. We can also keep in touch on LinkedIn at
Thanks again for all of your support.
Your name
To External Vendors and Contacts
Email subject line: I’m leaving XYZ Company
Hello, I want to let you all know that I have accepted a new position with another company. My last day with XYZ Company will be tomorrow, DATE. While I am excited for my new position, I will also miss working with you. Thank you for the support you’ve provided me during my time with XYZ, I have enjoyed working with and getting to know you. Your new contact at XYZ will be Mary Smith. You can contact Mary at (555)555-1234 and I would like to keep in touch. My personal email is and my cell number is (555)555-1234. We can also keep in touch on LinkedIn at
Thanks again for all of your support.
Your name

Tips For Writing Your Own

When writing your goodbye email, you can use the sample above as a starting point and add your own personal touch. Remember the following.

Tip 1: Don’t Include Everyone in the Company

Don’t send out a company-wide email. That is not personal and doesn’t show that you truly appreciate those you worked closely with. Send the note just to the people who you worked with and want to keep in touch with.

Tip 2: Don’t Brag

Don’t brag about your new job, even if it is a big salary or career advancement.

Tip 3: Keep It short

Two to four brief paragraphs is plenty.

Tip 4: Use Email

Don’t print a letter on company letterhead and walk around and hand it out. Recipients will have the email you send in their inbox when they want your contact information.

What To Do Next?

Now that you've written and sent out your Goodbye Email, start your next chapter by becoming a member of HR Mavericks, a community dedicated to ensuring every HR professional has the information and skills they need to succeed.
Suzi Tropiano, SHRM-SCP, PHR, GPHR

Suzi Tropiano, SHRM-SCP, PHR, GPHR

With over 25 years of Human Resource Management experience, Suzi Tropiano has worked in many industries including finance, manufacturing, construction, healthcare, information systems, technology, and professional services. Prior to starting Blueprint HRM, Suzi worked both as a senior HR leader in organizations as well as an external consultant. In both types of roles, she has been successful in setting up HR structure and systems at various stages of company growth both from start up to updating and reinventing existing systems.
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